Nancy K. Millerová: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 3:
* Paradoxem [[Peter Acroyd|Acroydova]] psaní je, že v přezkoumávání literární [[minulost]]i a imitaci ostatních neimituje vlastně nikoho.<br />''{{Cizojazyčně|en|The paradox in Acroyds writing is that in re-examining the literary past and in imitating others, he is not actually imitating anybody.}}''<ref name="ISBN0816073856" />
** {{Cizojazyčně|en|The paradox in Acroyds writing is that in re-examining the literary past and in imitating others, he is not actually imitating anybody.}} <ref name="ISBN0816073856" />
== Reference ==